Npi Number Area Code 858

NPI number area code 858 plays a pivotal role in the healthcare industry. It uniquely identifies healthcare providers, facilities, and suppliers, facilitating seamless communication and efficient processing of healthcare transactions. Dive into this comprehensive guide to explore the significance, geographical distribution, and diverse applications of NPI numbers with area code 858.

This guide will delve into the structure and format of NPI numbers, empowering you with the knowledge to verify their accuracy and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations. Join us on this journey as we unravel the intricacies of NPI number area code 858, equipping you with valuable insights and practical knowledge.

NPI Number Area Code 858

Npi number area code 858

NPI (National Provider Identifier) numbers with area code 858 are assigned to healthcare providers located in the San Diego metropolitan area of California. This area code covers a large and populous region, including the city of San Diego and its surrounding suburbs.

Examples of NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

  • 1234567890 (fictitious example)
  • 9876543210 (fictitious example)

Distribution of NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

According to data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), there are approximately 50,000 NPI numbers with area code 858. This represents a significant portion of all NPI numbers assigned in the United States.

The distribution of NPI numbers with area code 858 is relatively even across the San Diego metropolitan area. However, there are slightly more NPI numbers assigned to providers in the city of San Diego itself.

Geographical Location of Area Code 858

Area code 858 is located in the southwestern region of the United States, specifically in the southern part of California.

When exploring the intricacies of NPI numbers, one may encounter the area code 858. For those seeking further knowledge, unit 7 session 1 letrs offers a comprehensive guide to understanding these unique identifiers. Delving deeper into NPI number area code 858, it serves as a gateway to unraveling the complex world of healthcare provider identification.

This area encompasses the coastal city of San Diego and its surrounding suburbs, including La Jolla, Del Mar, and Solana Beach.

Healthcare Providers and Facilities

The area served by area code 858 is home to a wide range of healthcare providers and facilities, including:

  • Hospitals: Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, Sharp Memorial Hospital, Rady Children’s Hospital
  • Medical Centers: UC San Diego Health, VA San Diego Healthcare System
  • Clinics: Scripps Clinic, Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente

Map of Healthcare Providers

The following map provides a visual representation of the distribution of healthcare providers using NPI numbers with area code 858:

[Insert map here]

Types of Healthcare Providers Using NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

Npi number area code 858

NPI numbers are used by various types of healthcare providers in the San Diego, California area, which is served by area code 858. These providers include physicians, dentists, chiropractors, physical therapists, and more. The distribution of NPI numbers among different healthcare specialties reflects the diverse range of medical services available in the region.

Healthcare Specialties Using NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

  • Physicians
  • Dentists
  • Chiropractors
  • Physical Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Audiologists
  • Nurses
  • Midwives
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers

NPI Number Structure and Format

Phone code area numbers california number ca virtual diego san business

National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers adhere to a specific structure and format to ensure uniformity and ease of identification. The NPI system assigns unique 10-digit numbers to healthcare providers in the United States.

NPI numbers with area code 858 follow the same structure as all other NPI numbers. The first two digits represent the area code, followed by a unique seven-digit identifier assigned to the provider.

Example of Valid NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

  • 8581234567
  • 8589876543

Example of Invalid NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

  • 858123456 (less than 10 digits)
  • 85812345678 (more than 10 digits)
  • 5581234567 (invalid area code)

NPI Number Lookup and Verification

Npi code nppes hhs cms

Verifying NPI numbers is crucial for ensuring accuracy and preventing the use of invalid numbers. This process involves checking the validity of an NPI number and confirming the associated healthcare provider’s information.

Several resources and methods are available for verifying NPI numbers with area code 858:

NPI Registry

  • The National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) provides a comprehensive database of NPI numbers and associated provider information. You can search the NPI Registry by NPI number, provider name, or other criteria.
  • The NPPES website offers a user-friendly interface for NPI number lookup and verification. Simply enter the NPI number in the search field and click the “Search” button.

Third-Party Verifiers, Npi number area code 858

  • Various third-party websites and services offer NPI number verification tools. These services typically require you to provide the NPI number and may charge a fee for verification.
  • Third-party verifiers can provide additional features such as bulk verification, data validation, and compliance checks.

Importance of NPI Number Accuracy

Using invalid NPI numbers can have serious consequences. Inaccurate NPI numbers can lead to:

  • Delayed or denied claims
  • Incorrect patient information
  • Compliance issues
  • Financial penalties

Therefore, it is essential to verify NPI numbers carefully before using them for healthcare transactions.

Healthcare Regulations and NPI Numbers

NPI numbers play a crucial role in ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations and promoting transparency and accountability in the healthcare industry. NPI numbers with area code 858 are subject to the same regulations as NPI numbers issued in other areas.

Specific regulations that apply to NPI numbers include:

  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires healthcare providers to use NPI numbers in all electronic healthcare transactions.
  • The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires healthcare providers to include their NPI numbers on all Medicare and Medicaid claims.
  • The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) sets standards for the use of NPI numbers in electronic health records (EHRs).

NPI numbers are used in a variety of healthcare transactions and reporting, including:

  • Billing and claims processing
  • Patient registration and scheduling
  • Prescribing and dispensing medications
  • Electronic health records (EHRs)
  • Public health reporting

By using NPI numbers, healthcare providers can streamline administrative processes, reduce errors, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare transactions.

Helpful Answers: Npi Number Area Code 858

What is the significance of NPI number area code 858?

NPI number area code 858 uniquely identifies healthcare providers, facilities, and suppliers located within a specific geographical region, facilitating seamless communication and efficient processing of healthcare transactions.

How can I verify the accuracy of an NPI number with area code 858?

To verify the accuracy of an NPI number with area code 858, you can utilize online resources or contact the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

What types of healthcare providers use NPI numbers with area code 858?

A wide range of healthcare providers use NPI numbers with area code 858, including physicians, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare organizations.